
Upgrade kubernetes cluster

15 June 2023

So what are we going to do ?

We will upgrade kubernetes cluster from v1.26.0 to v1.27.0.

essentially the upgrade involves installation of kubeadm, kubectl and kubelet packages.

Process of the cluster upgrade from v1.26.0 to v1.27.0 :-

Following are the phases involved during this version upgrade :-

  1. upgrade the control node.
  2. upgrade the worker nodes.

We will setup the 4 node k8s cluster locally you can checkout post on how to set it up.

steps to upgrade control node:-

  1. drain the control node using

    kubectl drain CONTROL_NODE --skip-daemonsets What is this

  2. install kubeadm package with the v1.27.0 on the control node.

    sudo apt-get install kubeadm=1.27.0-00 What is this

  3. upgrade the node components using on the control node.

    kubeadm upgrade apply v1.27.0 What is this

  4. install the kubelet and kubectl v1.27.0 packages on the control node.

    sudo apt-get install kubelet=1.27.0-00 kubectl=1.27.0-00 What is this

  5. reload system daemon and restart the kubelet on the control node.
     systemctl daemon-reload
     systemctl restart kubelet
  6. uncordon the control node.

    kubectl uncordon CONTROL_NODE

    What is this

steps to upgrade worker node:-

  1. drain the worker node

    kubectl drain WORKER_NODE --skip-daemonsets

  2. install kubeadm package with the v1.27.0 on the worker node.

    sudo apt-get install kubeadm=1.27.0-00 What is this

  3. upgrade the node components using on the worker node.

    kubeadm upgrade node

  4. install the kubelet and kubectl v1.27.0 packages on the worker node.

    sudo apt-get install kubelet=1.27.0-00 kubectl=1.27.0-00 What is this

  5. reload system daemon and restart the kubelet.
     systemctl daemon-reload
     systemctl restart kubelet
  6. uncordon the worker node.

    kubectl uncordon WORKER_NODE What is this