
Simple way to setup ruby on linux

12 Jun 2023

What’s the problems though ?

Though packages were installed there were env related issues <- This is the main messup right here.

dependencies and env issues with ruby take much time to resolve.

What helped ?


RVM is the keeper though <3

It is called Ruby Version Manager, seems straightforward.

Steps to setup RVM:-

  1. Execute the following shell commands

     sudo apt-get install software-properties-common -y
     sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:rael-gc/rvm
     sudo apt-get update
     sudo apt-get install rvm -y
     sudo usermod -a -G rvm $USER
     echo 'source "/etc/profile.d/"' >> ~/.bashrc
  2. Restart the shell that you are currently using (as we have added in it’s bashrc)

  3. Use the rvm command to set things up. (If you followed the above steps the binary rvm should be in the right path)

How do you set things up using RVM ?

Install the specific version as follows:-

rvm install ruby-2.2.10

One beautiful thing about this is that you can install multiple versions of the ruby on the same vm.

On executing rvm --list we can see all the versions setup as follows:-

What is this
